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Behold I Come Quickly

Behold, how the earth is full of war
Behold, all the oceans how they roar
Behold, the signs in sun and moon
Behold, predicts what is coming soon

Behold, Behold, Behold, I am standing at the door
Behold, Behold, Behold, please listen to me now
Behold, I come quickly

Behold, how I have been ignored
Behold, my rules tossed out the door
Behold, hearts and eyes are veiled
Behold, how lawlessness prevails

Like in the days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah
You can know for certain, the time of judgment is so near
I will come down from the heavens, and you will see my glorious presence
But for now I still am pleading with you all